Dancing in the dark you between my

Dancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between my
Dancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between my
Dancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between myDancing in the dark you between my