One morning amber up early the sun

One morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sun
One morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sun
One morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sunOne morning amber up early the sun